
Sep 15, 2024


This week I read:

Roleplaying Games

The Halls of Arden Vul

We’re now 60 sessions into the campaign!

This was one of our more combat-heavy sessions, though the party crushed it as they’re pretty powerful now. They wiped out a nest of undead on the surface (a powerful spirit possessing the corpse of a long-dead adventurer plus his horde of 18 ghouls), and then they dealt with a bunch of giant poisonous spiders blocking a stairwell down to a deeper dungeon level.

I decided to retcon the abilities of a magic undead-detecting amulet they found a couple of sessions ago. The amulet glows if there’s undead within 100ft, but most parts of the upper and middle halls of Arden Vul have undead within 100ft—except when they don’t. It was kind of a pain to keep track of, the player had to keep reminding me, so I decided to extend the range slightly (120ft, to match spells like Detect Evil) but make it an at-will 3x-per-day ability instead of always on.

The players nearly found a well-guarded tomb with a bunch of treasure: they know roughly where it is, and this week they figured out two trick corridors that appear like they’d take you to it but just take you to traps instead. What they’ve not spotted yet is the secret door concealing the real corridor…

The One Ring

This week the players got the final two votes they needed to oust the corrupt Reeve of Bree.

One councillor was very concerned with wealth and status—specifically, his wealth and status—and intimated, without saying so directly, that a bribe would go a long way to convincing him to help them out. And it did.

The other councillor assumed they had come in response to the “help wanted” posters that he had put up just that morning, and the party decided to play along to get in his good graces. This led into a modified version of the To Soothe a Savage Beast scenario from the starter set, which took them into the Shire and then to the Old Forest, meeting Farmer Maggot and Tom Bombadil, and dealing with two ghost-dogs.

But the end of the campaign is in sight!

One player has been talking about running a Troika campaign for years now, and is nearly ready. Next week we’re going to do a short session 0 for Troika (before getting into The One Ring for the rest of the time), but they don’t have the free time to actually start running a campaign until late next month.

So there’s maybe 6 or 7 sessions left in this game.

I think next week I’ll inject some final drama into this local politics diversion, we’ll have the Summer Smoke Ring Festival to wrap up their time in Bree, and we’ll end with some new threat rearing its head, launching us into the third and final arc of this little campaign.