
Sep 4, 2022


This week I read:

Roleplaying Games

Only one player was available today, so I ran an unusual one-shot:

Then we started!

It was actually pretty fun, and I think that’s really a testament to the quality of the Dolmenwood material, that I was able to pick a random location I’d not looked at before and string together a fun two and a half hours of adventure.

There were no survivors.

The Magic-User got eaten by giant crabs as the party tried to cross a river (swept away by the current, unable to escape the river or regain her footing before plowing into the giant crabs they’d noticed and evaded previously). The Moss Dwarf and Woodgrue got killed by an undead crow-man as they tried to rescue some ensorcelled children from his grasp. A heroic way to go.

Along the way the party were accosted by some suspicious druids, encountered a mysterious chalk monolith engraved with hundreds of names, and talked to the birds to learn about a tree with lots of good bugs.

I think this is definitely a one-shot scenario I’ll keep for future use: roll up some characters, let them loose in the world, and see what happens.


It’s been a fairly technical week.

Journal validation

I’ve been meaning to implement some pre-commit validation for my hledger files, and this week finally whipped something up:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import csv
import subprocess
import io
import sys

    # This was an automated transaction by AJ Bell.  I think the unit
    # price changed between the order being put in and the order
    # completing, hence over-charging by 2p.  To address this going
    # forwards, I changed the auto investment to use slightly less
    # than the full amount.
    ("2021-05-12", "assets:investments:ajbell", "1.46 VANEA, £-0.02"),

def hledger_command(args):
    """Run a hledger command, throw an error if it fails, and return the

    real_args = ["hledger"]

    proc = subprocess.run(real_args, check=True, capture_output=True)
    return proc.stdout.decode("utf-8")

errors = []

# Check asset account balances are non-negative
asset_accounts = hledger_command(["accounts", "assets"]).splitlines()
for account in asset_accounts:
    for posting in csv.DictReader(io.StringIO(hledger_command(["reg", account, "-O", "csv"]))):
        if "-" in posting["total"]:
            if (posting["date"], posting["account"], posting["total"]) in IGNORE_NEGATIVE_BALANCE:
            errors.append(f"Account {account} has negative balance ({posting['total']}) in transaction '{posting['description']}' on '{posting['date']}'.")

# Check transactions are ordered
all_postings = []
for posting in csv.DictReader(io.StringIO(hledger_command(["print", "-O", "csv"]))):
    all_postings.append((int(posting["txnidx"]), posting["date"], posting["description"]))

prior_date = "0000-00-00"
prior_txnidx = None
for txnidx, date, description in sorted(all_postings):
    if txnidx == prior_txnidx:
        prior_txnidx = txnidx

    if date < prior_date:
        errors.append(f"Transaction '{description}' on '{date}' is out-of-order.")
        prior_date = date

if errors:
    for error in errors:
        print(error, file=sys.stderr)

I then fixed all the validation errors in my 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018 journal files. Mostly out-of-order transactions where I’d typo’d the date one day early or late, but there were a couple of transactions where I’d made a budgeting mishap and overspent from an asset category (effectively borrowing money from another category without explicitly noting down that I was doing that).

I didn’t fix my 2017 and 2016 data because they were a mess. There are a lot of mistakes, and my approach to accounting in those first two years was so different, in terms of how I tracked things and how I modelled my accounts, that it would be a big task to ever pull that into my long-term finance dashboard.

But yeah, this is quite good. hledger check ordereddates is nice and all, but there’s no built-in check for non-negative asset balances, and that’s something I’ve wanted on occasion. I now have this set up as a pre-commit hook, so when I do my weekly reconciliation I’m more likely to catch these small mistakes.


I have also been tinkering with my dotfiles. This week I’ve been looking into:

I wasn’t too impressed with oh-my-zsh. I know it’s very popular, but the handful of plugins I looked at were outdated compared to their upstreams, and also my ZSH config isn’t that complex. So I decided not to adopt it, but I did reorganise & simplify my config instead.

I’m undecided about home-manager. On the one hand, it does seem a very nice idea: managing my user config the same way I manage my system config (declaratively via nix), to the extent of even installing packages. But on the other hand, I share my dotfiles repo with my work laptop and, while I could install Nix and home-manager on that, it’d be nice to not deviate too significantly from how it’s set up by default. So maybe I could have home-manager just copy files & install packages, while keeping the file layout stow-compatible for my work laptop.

I’ll have to see, I only really skimmed the documentation.

From initial impressions, doom emacs seems promising. A bunch of keybindings are different, which is a pain, but they’re not hugely different. It’s also let me really reduce my emacs config, from 400+ lines to under 50 lines (90, of which about 50 are the auto-generated module list which I’ve slightly tweaked).

I’m still getting used to it, and finding small bits of behaviours to tweak, I’ll have a stronger opinion next week.

Hardware problems

Finally, I’ve got to the bottom of the hardware problems that have plagued my NAS basically since I set it up.

Sometimes, the NAS will hang. It’s hard to track down because logs just cut off (evidently the hang made them not persist to disk), but the symptoms were kind of weird: existing processes, like SSH connections to my VPS, would still work, but starting new processes would hang; and I could still access the Samba / NFS shares, but not SSH in.

So it seemed to be something relating to launching processes.

Often this happened on the 1st of the month, which is when I take a full backup, so I thought maybe it was related to that, but the timing data I could get didn’t support that: the hang would often occur hours after the backup completed.

Then this week it happened again, and I had to force power-off. When I booted back up, a file was corrupted, and ZFS wanted me to run a scrub. I started the scrub: a few hours later it hung. I force-rebooted and started the scrub again: a few hours later it hung. And again. And again.

Well, that’s new: I could now reliably trigger it with a scrub.

Since existing processes keep running, I SSHed in, ran journalctl -f, watch zpool status -v, htop, and iotop in tmux. Then I started a scrub. A few hours later, it hung: and I had log entries in the journal this time. The SATA connection to the SSD got reset.

So now let’s review the symptoms:

  • Existing processes keep running, but new processes hang.
  • Samba & NFS shares, which are all on the HDD, keep working.
  • There are log entries showing the SSD connection being reset.
  • There aren’t log entries showing the HDD connections being reset.
  • The SSD is the root device, so it’s got all the binaries on it, so if that’s unavailable then processes won’t start.

However, I was scrubbing the HDDs, not the SSD, but the SSD had the issue. THat feels weird, until you consider that the SSD and half the HDDs are connected to a PCI-e SATA card: could it be a problem with that card? Could putting too much load on the HDDs cause the connection to the SSD fail?

Thinking about it, this wasn’t the first time I’d had issues with the SSD, but I’d chalked those up to cables not being properly connected, or to too much dust causing thermal issues. But maybe…

But first, why is the SSD, the boot volume for this machine, connected to a PCI-e card and not the motherboard? Well, the motherboard only has 4 SATA ports, and I have 9 drive bays to hook up: 8 HDDs in a zpool of 4 mirrored pairs, and 1 SSD. For redundancy, I didn’t want two HDDs in the same pair to be connected to the same SATA controller, so I had to connect 4 to the mobo and 4 to the PCI-e card, which didn’t leave any space on the mobo for the SSD. So it also had to go on the PCI-e card.

Fortunately I have loads of free space on the HDDs with only 3 pairs hooked up, so I could disconnect the 4th pair to free up a SATA port on the mobo.

I plugged the SSD into the mobo. I started a scrub: it did not hang.

I’m going to leave it a bit longer before declaring the problem definitely fixed (or at least, worked-around), but this isn’t a permanent solution: I now have an HDD bay I can’t use since it’s not plugged into anything. I think ideally I’ll replace the mobo with one that has 5+ SATA ports.

Also, if IO load on the PCI-e card is the problem, why have I never had HDDs disconnecting? It’s only the SSD. So I feel like something else has to be going on, but I don’t have anything further to go on unless another problem crops up.

But anyway, the problem seems to be fixed for now.