
Oct 24, 2021


This has been a week of preparation: the switch over to Digital Identity is happening soon. We’ve been putting together pull requests for downtime—in which we’ll do the user migration—and for the new configuration.


This week I read:


This week I’ve been thinking about rumour tables, which are a way of giving information about what’s going on in the world to the players organically. The GM comes up with a numbered list of rumours and, when the characters are out carousing or gathering information or whatever, the GM rolls on this list and presents what the players find. The players then might follow that lead, going straight for it or perhaps looking for more information about that specific topic first.

Simple enough.

The challenge, I’ve found, is coming up with a good list of rumours. I wanted 20 for my Traveller sandbox campaign, and I’ve settled on:

I’ll see how it goes over the next few sessions. Maybe rumour tables will be the next topic on the RPG blog.