
Aug 15, 2021


This week didn’t feel that productive, it was mostly meetings: I gave a presentation at our Tech Fortnightly about Compute@Edge, had a call with Fastly to ask them some questions about it, and had another catch-up with the Digital Identity team about the upcoming launch of the cross-gov auth service. Hopefully we’ll have something we can start to integrate with shortly, and then when that’s done and the users are migrated across we can switch off our long-lived prototype.

Next week I’m going on support on Wednesday. It’ll be nice to have a change from team stuff for a week (and hopefully nothing will break).

The Plague

I’m getting my second jab next week, though I don’t really anticipate changing my behaviour: living as a hermit is quite nice, actually.


I didn’t finish any books this week, but I have a few in progress.


I’ve been invited to join a third weekly game, this one on Tuesdays, and we’ll be starting with Traveller! For once, I’ll get to play a system I also run, how novel.

It’s a new group, so I don’t know if it’ll work out, but I’m looking forward to giving it a chance.