
Feb 21, 2021


Implementation of the RFC has begun. I’m aiming for a gradual switch from the current way things work to the new way they should work. It’s more awkward to do it this way, but means we’re maintaining backwards compatibility every step of the way. So if something goes wrong, we can revert the last change we made to the affected microservice, rather than needing to unpick a tangled mess across multiple services.

Well, that’s the idea.

And it turns out that the first such step, changing the way we pass some state from the Transition Checker to the Account Manager resulted in a net reduction in complexity and in lines of code, and is much more standard practice than what we were doing. If we’d thought to do it this way from the beginning, we’d have avoided some of the problems we hit along the way.

As the saying goes, weeks of programming can save you hours of planning.


This week I read:


Setting up my new RPG blog is going well. I’ve published two posts, but want to have two in draft and five more outlined before publicising it anywhere. I figure once a month is a good minimum posting frequency, so that would give me content for the next 7 months in varying stages of completion.