
Jul 19, 2020


This week we started to get back into the swing of things—our “think week” was over, a new product manager had arrived, and a new roadmap had been drawn up for the next few months. We’re aiming to put something in front of users some time this quarter, which will be good, as I’ll finally get to write more directly about what I’m working on!

I went on support on Wednesday, but it’s been a fairly quiet shift so far, so I’ve had the opportunity to get involved with some of our dev tooling issues. This stuff is mostly worked on in people’s free time, but it’s all useful stuff—for example, one person has been working on bringing continuous deployment to GOV.UK—I got to fix up a few issues with our tooling to connect to machines, and also made a little progress on making our use of rake a bit more consistent across our apps. Hopefully I’ll have some time to continue that next week as well.

Speaking of next week, I’m still on support Monday and Tuesday, then back on my team on Wednesday, then on leave on Thursday and Friday. I’m toying with the idea of taking every fourth Friday off, periodically giving me a longer weekend.


This week I read:


Not much happened this week. I made a cheat “sheet” for Pulp Cthulhu and a spellbook for my D&D character, but then in today’s D&D session my spellbook got erased by some sort of magical being, so the utility of that PDF was short-lived.