
Jun 21, 2020


It was PLDI this week, which was virtual and free due to the pandemic. It was done pretty well: Slack and a video chat platform for interaction, talks streamed to Youtube, and questions submitted to speakers via Slack threads. William J. Bowman collected a few comments about the format from Twitter.

I managed to catch a few of the sessions live:

I also saw a few of the “ask me anything” sessions:

These were great, I hope this format or something similar sticks around for future conferences.

The videos for all the sessions are available on the ACM SIGPLAN Youtube channel. I don’t think the ISMM videos are yet, I hope they do go up because there are a few I wanted to check out.

Open Source

Mitchell Rosen opened a bug report on dejafu for a problem with masks and exception handlers. If you have this test case:

test = do
  var <- newEmptyMVar
  tId <- uninterruptibleMask $ \restore -> fork $ do
    result <- (Right <$> restore (throw ThreadKilled)) `catch` (pure . Left)
    putMVar var result
  killThread tId
  v <- takeMVar var
  pure (v :: Either AsyncException ())

The thread should always put into the MVar, because the call to catch is outside the restore; therefore as soon as throw is called, the masking state reverts to uninterruptible, and the killThread cannot happen.

Previously, dejafu handled these masking state changes by inserting an AResetMask action as the first action of the handler. But this is incorrect, because it means the masking state is not restored atomically, and so the killThread has a small window of opportunity to, well, kill the thread.

I’ve implemented a fix, and am just waiting for Mitchell to confirm it solves his problem before merging it and making a release.

This will be yet another major release of dejafu, because it changes the ThreadAction type. It’s not good that I’ve ended up in a situation where more or less every change to dejafu breaks some API; but I’m not sure how to fix that yet.


This week was a bit of a learning experience. Development and user research had got rather out of sync, with development being a few weeks ahead, so we found ourselves in the tricky situation of almost having to make busy-work (like improving the test coverage and deployment process of our prototype which is almost certainly going to be thrown away at some point).

I was also a bit unsure of what was actually expected at the end of our 6-week discovery period: was it an MVP we could put in front of users? If so, research being as far behind as it was would be a real problem.

This culminated in a dev who had recently joined the team scheduling a couple of meetings to figure this all out. On the one hand it’s good that he did and that we got some clarity, on the other hand, I should have realised that if I was unsure, everyone else must be more unsure, and done that myself.

The Plague

The alert level went down, so things are re-opening. I don’t expect things to change much for me though, as GDS is still working from home for the foreseeable future. And even if the office were to re-open, with social distancing still in place capacity would be greatly reduced, so people would be staying at home a lot more anyway.


This week I read:

And I started reading Tales of the Dying Earth, by Jack Vance.


This week my D&D DM was feeling unwell and not up to running a session, so we played a game of Microscope instead. Microscope is a game about collaboratively creative an epic history. There’s no GM, and no persistent player characters (though sometimes the players will roleplay a scene, and temporarily have a character), and the history is created non-linearly; so I’d describe it as a story game rather than an RPG. It was very fun, though the steampunk history we were creating turned really dark really quickly…

I wrote up a memo on phased real-time combat for Call of Cthulhu, an alternative to the standard sequential round structure, which I think addresses some problems with the system.