
Jun 7, 2020

Open Source

It was reported that a bunch of recent dejafu git tags hadn’t been pushed to the GitHub repo, so I sorted that out.

I’ve also had a very weird bug reported:

import Test.DejaFu
import Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.STM

import Control.Concurrent.Classy hiding (wait)
import Control.Concurrent.Classy.Async

test :: Program (WithSetup (ModelTVar IO Int)) IO Int
test = withSetup setup $ \tvar -> do
    a <- async (act tvar)
    b <- async (act tvar)
    _ <- waitCatch a
    _ <- waitCatch b
    atomically $ readTVar tvar

    setup = atomically $ newTVar 0

    act tvar = do
      atomically $ modifyTVar tvar (+1)
      atomically $ modifyTVar tvar (subtract 1)

dejafu says that this has two possible results: 0 and 1. But if I remove the setup action and instead initialise the TVar directly in the test, it always returns 0. Furthermore, the issue only crops up if the yield call is inserted.

Something very strange seems to be going on with STM, setup actions, and yielding.


My first full week of tech leading, I’ve been prototyping stuff, reaching out to teams in other departments who have worked on similar projects for advice, and planning work to be done. There’s only three devs, including myself, on the team, but we’ve been getting through tasks at a good rate. It seems I estimated the amount of work we could get done in a sprint fairly well: we have our weekly planning on Tuesdays, and there’s only a couple of things remaining for Monday.

I’ve not really thought at all about the next sprint though, so I’ll probably spend all of Tuesday before planning doing that.

There’s definitely a fair bit of organisational work, but I still have plenty of time to do programming as well.

The Plague

I managed to buy bread flour. I then made a terrible loaf of bread; must be out of practice.


This week I read Royal Assassin, the second in Robin Hobb’s Farseer trilogy. I’ve been trying to stick to my 100-pages-a-day target, but I’ve found weekends are harder to fit the reading in than working days.


I decided to end my Apocalypse World game, because I realised how much less fun I was finding running it than my Call of Cthulhu game. We talked about games to run next, I wrote up some ideas, but ultimately we decided to go for another player’s pitch: Wolves of God, a game set in Dark Ages Britain. It’s a fun looking system, and has some neat things we’ll have to get our heads around, like the Anglo-Saxon gift economy.

So now I’m only running one of the four different fortnightly games I’m in.