
Jan 19, 2020



A post I wrote about upgrading to Elasticsearch 6 finally got published this week, though it’s a bit delayed. We’ve been working on a lot since then!


It turns out that disabling an option in the frontend isn’t enough to disable it in the backend. A couple of weeks ago I made a change so that you couldn’t sort by “most viewed” if you’d entered a search query. At least, you couldn’t select the “most viewed” option: turns out that direct links to the search page still worked. So I did a little work to properly kill off sorting by “most viewed”.

I made another change to finder pages this week—which so far I seem to have got right in one go—removing the keyword tags from a search page. If you go to a search page with some filters applied (on desktop, the mobile search UI is a bit different) you get a list of the selected filters, and can click each one to remove it. That also used to be the case for keywords too. So on that search I linked to, you’d get a button each for i, have, a, pet, frog. We found it just confused people, so now it’s gone.

Machine learning

After a lot of work, I finally merged the PR which automates our search ranking machine learning stuff through Amazon SageMaker. And then immediately hit an issue with memory usage when it first ran in production, and had to fix that. And then another issue with not pinning dependency versions, and had to fix that. So there have been a few bumps on the road, but it’s now there and working.

Before we switch the actual SageMaker-powered reranking in production, we want to add some more monitoring and alerting, so we’re working on boring stuff like that now. But at least we’re past the big hump: we’ve got a machine learning training and deployment pipeline set up in AWS, and we could switch it on in production right now if we wanted to.



Not much to report. I’m still working my way through The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich on my commute, and I’ve started re-reading The Lord of the Rings (I hardly think I need to link to the wiki article of that) before bed.


I baked a few loaves of bread this week, using a recipe in My Bread. They turned out pretty well, but my cast iron pan is definitely not the right shape to bake sandwich bread in. So I’ve ordered a few loaf tins from Amazon to try out. It would be good if I could make all my sandwich bread.

Call of Cthulhu

I resumed my Call of Cthulhu game, which had been on hold over the festive period. It’s hard to believe that this is the second New Year the game has seen: it started in September 2018.

This is the first session I used background music in, and I think it worked pretty well. I used a Discord music bot, Groovy, to play tracks from Youtube. The only downside was that it would disconnect if music was paused for too long, so we’d occasionally get the Discord disconnect/reconnect jingles. Maybe I can find a silent video for it to “play” when I’ve not got any particular background music to put on.

SAT and SMT solvers

I started writing a little SAT solver based on the paper “Abstract DPLL and Abstract DPLL Modulo Theories”, and it works pretty well! At least on some problems. Once I got it working I turned it into an SMT solver, though currently it only supports the theory of equality with uninterpreted functions (EUF). In hindsight, that was perhaps a mistake. As I’ve now got to the point where I want to make the solver faster, but that means I have to implement optimisations which work with EUF as well as SAT, while only having a basic knowledge of each.

There are really two paths forward:

  1. I can stare at the DPLL(T) paper until I understand backjumping (non-chronological backtracking) when you’re considering EUF (or any theory, really).
  2. Or I can switch to a less efficient core algorithm which will let me use regular SAT backjumping, though will ultimately be worse than option (1).

I’m not sure yet which to go for.